Monday, 21 March 2016

Browser Box Time

In Base Camp 1 & 2 we know that 'together is better'. When we share our reading at browser box time we read a story we know with our 'box buddy'. To get things underway we have a little rhyme that we say.....

                                                            "Elbow to elbow
                                                               Knee to knee
                                                              I'll read to you
                                                         And you'll read to me."

Have a look at the photos and you will see Kobey and Aria from Base Camp 1 sharing their reading. Regan and Caleb from Base Camp 2 are doing a super job as well. Practising our reading everyday is important.

                                                                      Kobey and Aria

Caleb and Regan

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Learning Conversations

Thank you to all the parents and children who attended the 'Learning Conversations' last week. 
It was wonderful talking about all the learning that is happening in Base Camp 1&2. The conversations are a great opportunity for the children to share their learning experiences with their parents and to set new goals to focus on. This was a positive and worthwhile experience for everyone.

Here is a photo of Gwen with her Mum and Dad. They are having a lovely time sharing her learning and looking at all the work she has been doing so far this year.

Our Treaty

We have been doing a lot of talking about how we can work together to make our learning space a happy, safe place for everyone. We know that in Base Camp 1&2..... 'Together is Better'. 
Our school's HEART values  remind us to take care of each other while we strive to do the best we can with our learning. Everyone has signed our treaty with their handprint. The treaty is hanging in the lobby of our shared space.