Sunday, 5 February 2017

Welcome to 2017

A warm welcome to all children,  families and whanau who have joined us in Rooms 1 & 2 this year. We hope you have enjoyed your first week at school and are as excited as we are about the learning journey we are embarking on in 2017.

We are very excited about embarking on a learning journey with a group of wonderful children, parents and whanau.  

The Teachers
We have two teachers, Ms Rhonda Aitken and Mrs Karen Morganty working in the shared Room 1/2 teaching and learning space.  You may also see our Learning Assistant, Mrs Marie Edmonds working throughout the week with the children.

About Ms Rhonda Aitken
I have been at Banks Avenue School for twelve years and have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to work in a variety of roles. I am excited about working in Room 1/2 this year as this is where I started my time at Banks Avenue. I have worked for many years with Junior children and am always thrilled to see the progress and successes made. I have also worked as the Learning Support Teacher at Banks Avenue. This role has been varied with a number of challenges and rewards.
I am the mother of two teenagers - Liam 18 and Rory 15. They are both busy, active boys who are involved in both sport and music. I am now at the 'taxi driver' phase of parenting, so much of my time is taken up with getting the boys to where they need to be.
When I have the opportunity I enjoy gardening, reading and spending time with my family and friends.

About Mrs Karen Morganty
I have been at Banks Avenue for many years.  During my time I have been fortunate to work with children in  all levels across the school. I am excited to be working with the wonderful children in rooms 1/ 2.. .  I also have 2 teenage children, Brooke 17 and Adam 15.  They keep me busy with sports and other activities which require being dropped here and there.  I enjoy walking, swimming and time with my family and friends.

We believe that communication is very important. We operate an open door policy in Room 1/2, and will usually be available before and after school.  On the odd occasion when we are unavailable, feel free to contact us via email. 

* Karen:

Your child also has a KIT note book which is a great place to write any messages. We will also write messages in here when needed, so please check these daily. 

A reminder that sunhats are compulsory for Term 1 (and 4). They should be full brimmed or bucket style. Sunhats can stay at school until the end of the term. They are stored in your child's tote tray. Please make sure your child's hat is named.

Classroom Programme
Our library day is Friday. Children must have their library bag at school on  Friday so they can have library books issued.

Reading books will come home on a daily basis. Please ensure you spend some time enjoying and sharing the reading of these books with your child. Please make sure they are returned to school in the reading folder each day. Reading folders can be stored in the children's tote trays. Once your child has read to you please date, write the title of the book and sign the KIT notebook. For some children there are also sight words at the back of the KIT notebook. If your child has these please practise them at home on a daily basis. These will also be practised at school and tested most Fridays.

Alphabet books will come home every Monday with the letter of the week home learning and/or digraph or blend home learning. Talk about the letter /blend of the week thinking about what begins with the letter/blend, the sound it makes and how it is written. Alphabet home learning must be handed to the teacher by Friday each week.

Poetry books will come home every Friday. Please ensure your child brings it  every Friday. This is a good opportunity for your child to practise reading in an expressive way. They could share their poems with friends and family (pets or toys) face to face or over the phone.

Drink Bottles
We encourage children to have their own named water bottle in the classroom. These are stored in a box near the tote trays. The children will have access to them throughout the day. 

Please ensure that your child has a named hand towel at school.  These should be taken home every Friday to be washed and then returned to school on Monday. 
We would appreciate each child bringing a box of tissues. We store these and use them as required throughout the year.

Parent Help
We welcome parent help in our classroom. If you have some time and would like to assist in the classroom please have a chat with either of us to arrange a suitable time. We are particularly looking for parents to help children improve our garden area outside Room 1 during our Discovery time on a Friday.

Learning Conversations
These will be taking place on  Wednesday 1 March and Wednesday 8 March. Information regarding the conferences will come out closer to the time.

We are looking forward to a busy and exciting year. It is important we work together to ensure the best learning environment. Your support with the classroom programme is appreciated.  

Warm regards,

Rhonda and Karen

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